
On December 19th, 2023 White City hosted their annual Christmas shoppe. The Christmas Shoppe has been around for many years and the kids enjoy it every year. The Christmas Shoppe wouldn’t happen if it wasn't for our community who chose to donate their old or unwanted things. All grades from kindergarten up to 5th grade get to shop and the high schoolers can go once the younger kids have gone through. The little kids go to find an older buddy to help them and start shopping for their families.  The Christmas shoppe has low prices, so the kids don't have to spend “an arm and a leg” to get gifts for the people they care about. It's a good way for the kids to learn money management too, and that gifts don't have to be expensive to mean a lot to someone.  The Seniors were the main people who kept the shoppe going. They helped the “littles” shop, wrapped gifts, and worked the money. The Senior Class sponsor Denny Crable says “Good job, Seniors”.