
The Job Olympics offer skill learning opportunities for special education students to help them with the skills required for future jobs. According to their web site, this competition will “promote transition and employability skills for a broad spectrum of high school students.”  Over 500 students from 40 different schools come to compete.  This year’s Job Olympics happened on November 17th.  The Job Olympics this year took place in Lyon, Kansas.  Our victorious senior Kevin Carter competed in table bussing and setting, folding tee shirts and towels, and writing job applications. Kevin placed third in Job Applications and placed first in Bussing Tables and Setting.  Great job, Kevin!  Kevin Carter enjoys Table Bussing and Setting Tables the most of all of the skills. This skill prepares students for a job in food service.  Kevin has been doing the Job Olympics for a total of three years now. Out of eighteen whole schools, White City won 1st with Kevin Carter, being our only student who competed.  Come see Kevin’s first place plaque sitting on the table in our receptionist office.  Congratulate him on his victory!